Six Household Items You Wouldn't Believe Are Actually Safes

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Newspapers piled high on your driveway, easily accessible entry ways, and visible electronic devices are all invitations for a burglar to invade your home. On average, thieves only need eight minutes to ransack your property and make their getaway with your valuables and cash in-hand. Rather than being an easy target, take the necessary precautions by keeping your valuables in these unconventional safes.

Canister Safes Like Hairspray and Shaving Cream

Since burglars usually have a limited amount of time to check for valuables, they’ll start with the most obvious places—medicine cabinets, dressers, and mattresses just to name a few. Diversion canister safes are created using typical household products and are sure to throw thieves off the trail. From potato chip cans to hair spray, their inconspicuous appearance can make them the perfect location for jewellery or small sums of cash.  Frequently take trips? The built in compartments are perfect to store valuables whether you’re traveling, at a camp site, or just away from home.

Surge Protectors Are Particularly Unsuspicious

Criminals would never assume your valuables to be stored in a surge protector. Some even come with an on/off switch and a battery operated light to make it look authentic. Although it’s not a functional surge protector, you can plug in cords to add to its genuineness.  The internal chamber has enough room to store cash, credit cards, jewellery, and other small valuables.

Brick Wall Safes Blend Right In

A standard brick wall safe takes the place of 2 standard bricks from any solid wall in your home. The Key Secure 2 Brick Wall Safe distributed by Safe Options has a standard anti-pick safe and can hold up to £1,000 in cash and £10,000 in valuables. This safe is fixed into the wall and can be accessed using the two keys supplied with purchase.

Air Vent Safes Are Out of Sight and Out of Mind

Most air vent safes come in do-it-yourself kits with two built-in safes. The look like ordinary air circulation systems but in reality, are designed to house important documents, cash, and other valuables. If you need additional space, the shelves are removable for larger pieces.

An Inconspicuous Wall Socket Safe Is Perfect

In-wall compartments are some of the most unsuspecting places to stick a safe. A wall socket safe takes very little time to install and looks just like the real thing. However, similarly to the surge protector it doesn’t function like an actual wall socket.

A Floorboard Safe May Be Just What You Need

Floorboard safes can be installed in between the home’s existing floorboard and use either a single key or dial mechanism. The Key Secure A4 Extra Floorboard Safe is engineered to fit flush to the floor or hidden under a floor covering. Its seven lever anti-pick key lock is able to store jewellery, cash, and keys. The central security feature of these devices is that they can be visible in plain sight and burglars won’t know that they are actually safes containing valuable contents. Apart from their unassuming appearance, it’s important to take other factors into consideration like the content’s value and level of fire retardancy. Check the individual item’s security features prior to use or consult the manufacturer for its performance evaluation.