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Safe Options offers peace of mind by offering the safety, security and storage of your collection of guns - we offer Gun cabinets from the top brands such as Burton Security and Phoenix Safe with Gun cabinets to store from 1-14 firearms with a range of prices and security level to provide the solution for all requirements. Our range of police approved gun cabinets and safes are designed to secure and store air rifles, shotguns and some haver integral lockable ammo boxes - browse the range now and with our quick delivery you will be safe and secure in just a couple of days.
Safety and security is the priority with the Safe Options range of Gun cabinets and safes which are designed to store from 1 up to 14 guns and can be easily securely bolted to the floor or to a solid wall using the fixings provided. Rest assured that your insurance cover will be honoured if you choose either our gun cabinets tested either to EN14450 S1 offerring valuables cover of £20,000 or EN1143-1 Eurograde tested to either Grade 0 or 1 with recommended insurance cover of £60,000 or £100,000 for valuables.
Our range of Phoenix Gun cabinets which are Police preferred and are certified to British Standard BS7558/92 or the higher Firearms standard SS302:2020, so you are absolutely sure that your guns are secure. Furthermore our range of Gun safes and cabinets by Burton Security are made to the Police Preferred Specification under the Secured by Design scheme and the Burton Pioneer, Warden LFS and Gamekeeper models have been tested to the Sold Secure Firearms standard SS302:2020 to three security levels of Bronze, Silver and Gold. Our gun safes are supplied to Armouries, Shooting Ranges, and Gun Clubs as well as by antique gun collectors.
We offer all of our gun cabinets and safes with secure key locking, but for those who really don't want to worry whether they should carry or hide their keys we offer some models with highly secure and reliable digital electronic locks. All electronic locks are battery powered by standard alkaline batteries and can be programmed with your preferred code and if ever you deem your code to have been compromised it is a simple matter to re-program and input a new pin code. Our high security gun cabinets are fitted with VdS class II electronic locks, which are just as secure as the standard double bitted class 1 key locks. On some models we can even offer biometric fingerprint locks for convenience.