A safe is only as good as the time and effort that it takes to be cracked.
If a criminal tries to break into a highly rated safe he will need a substantial amount of time, high-grade equipment, and more likely than not will draw attention to himself in the process.
The typical home burglary lasts about 10 minutes so to imagine a thief being able to crack open a safe, empty the contents, and then leave with the valuables inside seems like a bit of a stretch. But what happens if the burglar is able to take the entire safe? Then he has an unlimited amount of time cracking it open, he can use whatever instruments he possesses and can make as much noise as he requires.
The best way to ensure a criminal can’t (or would have a tough time trying to) take a safe with him is to anchor it down. However, not all safes require this precaution as you’ll see.
Very Heavy Safes Are Too Big to Take
Safes over a certain weight limit can’t realistically be taken. For example, it would be incredibly difficult for a burglar to take the
Chubbsafes DuoGuard Eurograde Security Safe in one swipe. Measuring 690x600x561mm, this safe weighs 161 kg and is constructed using a torch resistant barrier material known as Dualite. This high-security safe is tested to Eurograde 1 standards and has a cash rating of £10,000 and £100,000 in valuables. As you can imagine, it would be quite the feat to take this safe in one shot.
Be Careful Hidden Wall Safes
hidden wall safe may seem like the most secure option because of its limited visibility but in fact it may actually be the complete opposite if it’s not properly installed. Assuming it wasn’t bolted into the wall’s structure, a thief could theoretically cut it out from the drywall directly. For that reason, experts recommend either bolting it into the wall or using a concrete mixing to hold it in place.
Floating Waterproof Safes
Waterproof safes like the
Burton Aquasec Fire/Water Security Safe are used in boats and shouldn’t be anchored down so they can float to the surface. It’s been tested to withstand high heat/ fire for up to 60 minutes and is insured £1,000 cash and £10,000 in valuables.