Need to secure either Cash up to £17,500 or Valuables such as jewellery up to £175,000? - then you the need real security of a Eurograde 2 High Security Safe that is insurance approved or police approved. A Eurograde 2 certified high security safe tested to EN1143-1 is approved by the Association of Insurance Surveyors (AIS) so you are guaranteed backing of your insurers subject to the usual procedures. Why choose anything less secure?
Eurograde Safes are security safes that have been certified by Insurance Authorised Security Testing Bodies to have passed an intense testing procedure to evaluate their resistance from burglary by forced entry. The Eurograde 2 test certificate is known as EN1143-1 for High Security safes, which assures that you can secure up to £17,500 cash or £175,000 of valuables such as jewellery with agreement from your insurer.
From professionals looking to safeguard company assets to private individuals in need of a safe way to keep valuables safe from prying hands, the myriad of different parties looking for...
About the Eurograde System The European wide Eurograde system is a security numbering system that is applied to a number of high security safes that are specifically designed as a...