Check out these tested and certified Fireproof Safes to protect paper documents from fire and smoke damage. Some safes protect you from burglary, but only a properly tested Fire safe can resist damage from fire, heat and smoke. Protect your business now and choose from fire resistant safes offering from 30 minutes to 120 minutes fire resistance with many complying to the most stringent fire tests available.
Fire safes provide the best protection from fire, heat and smoke damage for your valuables. These fire business safes are designed to keep internal temperatures below 170 degrees, allowing your important documents to survive a fire and giving you piece of mind. We've put together this informative FAQ to help you learn more about them.
What type of fire safe should I choose?
For storing important documents such as personnel records, financial information and vital project data a fire document safe is an ideal safe for your office and business. Fire data safes on the other hand, are designed to store external hard drives and plastic computer media like back-up tapes and DVD's etc. Remember to check for the fire safes rating to see how long it can keep your valuables intact in the event of a blaze.
Where is the best location for my fire safe?
There are obviously physical constraints as to where you would want to locate your fire safe, but otherwise they can be placed where it suits you. Remember Fire safes are built principally to protect from fire - not from burglary. The majority of fire safes cannot be bolted down without destroying the fire resistance. Some models can be bolted down to improve security although they wiill usually only offer up to 30 minutes fire resistance.
What am I going to store and protect?
To begin with, ask yourself what items you want stored away. Remember that is it not just cash that should be secured. Official paperwork such as a personnel records, company accounts or your passport will need protection from fire and smoke damage. You should also consider securing computer equipment (portable hard-drives and DVD's etc.) as they would be at risk of irreparable damage in the event of a house blaze.
Can a fire safe also be a waterproof safe?
Fortunately, a fire safe can be waterproof and there are currently two models on the marketplace that fit the bill. The Master Lock LFW-123FTC 60 minutes Fire Safe is both fire and water resistant, keeping your documents secure until the fire brigade arrives. Most other models offer water sprinkler or fire hose resistance after a fire as the thermoplastic seals fitted around the door secure the safe due to the heat from a fire.
How much should I spend?
The idea here is to strike a balance between your budget and increased security. Generally the more you spend on a safe, the more secure it will be. Ideally you should choose a safe that meets the fire resistance level you require and then spend as much as you can afford. Make sure that this safe meets the specification you need - for paper or plastic media.
What if my question isn't here?
If you have read through all of the above information and you still haven't found what you are looking for, then get in touch with us. You can call us on 0800 567 7549 or email us where our experienced and knowledgeable staff will be able to assist you.
Fire Safes to protect both paper and digital media from fire
Fire Safes are primarily designed to offer fire protection for Paper Documents, but also offer varying levels of security from burglary and forced entry. Fire safes can have a limited insulation offering 10-30 minutes protection or 1 or 2 hours tested and certified protection. Some models such as the Master Lock fire safes and Sentry fire safes also are tested and certified to offer fire protection for digital media such as USB drives, CD/DVD discs, hard drives, mobile phones or tablets and laptops. Also Phoenix safe will offer a lifetime warranty to replace your Phoenix fire safe if it is ever damaged due to a fire.
Fire safes also offer protection from water damage
Most of the Master Lock and Sentry Fire safes are also tested and certified to protect your valuables from water damage due to floods. However, all Certified and tested fire safes with a minium of 60 minutes fire resistance will automatically seal the doors so they are both heat and water tight when in a fire - so even water sprinklers or hoses won't damage the contents. (not applicable for fire safes with less than 60 minutes certification)
Protect marriage registers from fire in your church
Protect Marriage Register from Fire and Theft. The majority of our fire safes comply to the minimum internal dimensions of 310mm x 465mm to offer both fire resistance and security for the protection of marriage registers as per the Registrar General.
Marriage Registers now need to be protected from theft and fire. It is against Government policy not to follow the guideline listed below.
Home Office Identity and Passport Service - A Guide for Authorised Persons - UPDATED FEBRUARY 2019
Your registers and stock must be kept in a fire-resistant safe (ideally with internal dimensions of no less than 310mm by 465mm) and must be kept in the registered building, or in another building approved by the Registrar General.
Anchoring down a safe is not always necessary or practical. Safes that are over a certain weight and used for certain purposes should not be anchored down at all. Hidden wall safes on the other hand should be bolted into the structure of the home for added security.