Protecting your valuables
With the cost of precious metals on the increase, owners of valuable jewellery need to be more forward thinking in their approach to protecting their property. Some people do not realise that their home insurance policy might only cover personal property and may not include valuable collectibles. All valuable art and jewellery should be insured separately. It is also advisable to write an inventory containing detailed descriptions of all your gold and diamond jewellery, and other precious items, with measurements, any inscriptions and any noteworthy features. A photographic library of your collection would also be a useful tool. You should store your inventory in a safety deposit box at your local bank, along with any receipts for expensive items. If you can, you should also have your jewellery valued by an expert every few years.
Safeguarding against burglars
There are some simple steps you can take to make your home more secure from thieves. Ensure all your windows and doors are tightly secured before you leave home. If you are away for an extended period of time, leave your lamps on with a timer switch, to give the impression that someone is home. Keep your keys well out of sight - do not leave them lying on windowsills. Make sure your garden gates are secure and that all your garden tools are stored out of sight, as they are often used to break in. Ask your neighbours to put any empty wheelie bins away and to keep an eye on your house while you are away. Finally, if you have a lot of valuables, you might also want to think about installing a security alarm, or a CCTV camera outside your home.
Keeping your gold and diamond jewellery safe
With the value of gold higher than ever before, it has never been as attractive to thieves as it is now. Families who own collections of Asian gold, a term that covers jewellery passed down through generations of south Asian families, are particularly at risk, as often they cannot afford to insure their valuables, and the gold has vastly increased in value in the last year. Reports indicate that burglars are aware of this and are targeting these homes with metal detectors. The safest advice to protect your gold and diamond jewellery is to take it out of your house completely and move it to a safety deposit box at your local bank, if there is one available. However, this is not always a practical option and many banks no longer offer this service!
If you wish to keep your jewellery in your home, you should ideally invest in a jewellery safe, preferably one that is compliant with your insurer's safety standards. Each safe will come with a security level, which indicates the value of the items that you should store in it. The general rule for a cash rating of a safe is that it can be multiplied by ten for jewellery, so you can store £10,000 worth of jewellery in a safe with a £1000 cash rating. However to be sure your safe is tested to the required standards that UK insurers require choose a safe which is
AIS approved - Association of Insurance Surveyors - then you can be sure that the safe is definitely made to the highest standards. The higher the cash rating, the better quality the safe will be. You can secure a jewellery safe to the wall or floor. There are many affordable models on the market which include key locking safes or alternatively digitally operated electronic locking safes which are powered by standard alkaline batteries.